群馬大学 | 医学部 | サイトトップ | 医学情報処理演習








A file named sample12.txt includes prefecture-based age-adjusted mortalities specific for major cause of death by males and females in 2005. Variables are: ALLM and ALLF are age-adjusted mortality by all causes, CANCERM and CANCERF are by neoplasms (cancer), CARDIOM and CARDIOF are by cardiovascular disease, CEREBROM and CEREBROF are by cerebrovascular disease, PNEUMOMand PNEUMOF are by pneumonia, ACCIDENTM and ACCIDENTF are by accident, SUICIDEM and SUICIDEF are by suicide, SCENILM and SCENILF are by scenescence, KIDNEYFM and KIDNEYFF are by kidney failure, LIVERDM and LIVERDF are by liver disease, COPDM and COPDF are by chronic occlusive pneumonic disease (COPD), and DIABETESM and DIABETESF are by diabetes. The file also contains aggregate measure of socioeconomic status of the prefecture as the following variables: HHSAVINGS is average amount of savings per household (unit: 1,000 yen) in 2004, AVETEMP is annual average temperature in 2005, MYCAR is average number of car ownership for private use per household in 2005, PRODUCTS is total industrial products (unit: million yen) in 2005, POP is total population (as ordinal household member) in 2005, and PRODPP is the ratio of PRODUCTS to POP. The sources of data are in the website of the ministry of health, labor and welfare, the e-STAT, and the "Japanese industry from the viewpoint of statistics" in the website of the ministry of economics, technology and industry. The file also includes the variables PREF (the name of prefecture in Japanese) and AREA (included either in the eastern part of Japan or in the western part of Japan in Japanese; there are several criteria to divide Japan into east and west, but here I used the most east-wide criterion, where the west-end of eastern Japan is Fukui, Gifu, Aichi and Mie prefectures).

Using the Wilcoxon's rank sum test, examine the statistical difference of the age-adjusted mortalities by kidney failure (KIDNEYFM and KIDNEYFF) between eastern Japan and western Japan (indicated by AREA). Let the significance level (alpha-error) 0.05.

Write R scripts to do these hypothesis testing with appropriate graph drawings in the upper box. Discuss the results in the lower box. Never forget to write the student ID and name in each field.


学籍番号 (Student ID)
氏名 (Name)
メールアドレス (Mail address, if any)
解答(Rのコード)(R scripts)
解答(考察) (Discussion)