群馬大学 | 医学部 | サイトトップ | 医学情報処理演習
HT <- 144:191 # Set heights into variable HT in cm.
NUM <- c(2,3,6,17,19,56,125,219,463,915,1609,2649,4550,7214,11005,16081,
224,128,50,31,14,5,4) # Set the number of individuals with each height.
X <- rep(HT,NUM) # Make a new variable X as heights for a million people.
RNGkind("Mersenne-Twister") # Specify how to make pseudo-random numbers (random number generator; RNG)
set.seed(54321) # Initialize the RNG
meansdhist <- function(Y, ...) { # Definition of function to draw histogram and calculate mean and sd
(Y, right=FALSE,
=c(140, 200), ...) # draw a histogram, where each interval
# including lower limit and excluding upper limit,
# with ranges between 140 and 200.
RES <- c(mean(Y), sd(Y)) # Calculating mean and sd as a numeric vector, named RES
(RES) <- c("mean","sd") # Naming the two elements of RES
return(RES) # Return the vector of mean and sd
S10M <- sample(X,10,rep=FALSE) # Randomly sampling 10 from the population X without replacement
S10N <- sample(X,10,rep=FALSE) # Randomly sampling 10 from the population X without replacement
S100M <- sample(X,100,rep=FALSE) # Randomly sampling 100 from the population X without replacement
S100N <- sample(X,100,rep=FALSE) # Randomly sampling 100 from the population X without replacement
S1000M <- sample(X,1000,rep=FALSE) # Randomly sampling 1000 from the population X without replacement
S1000N <- sample(X,1000,rep=FALSE) # Randomly sampling 1000 from the population X without replacement
meansdhist(S10M, main="A histogram of randomly sampled 10 values of heights, 1st trial")
meansdhist(S10N, main="A histogram of randomly sampled 10 values of heights, 2nd trial")
meansdhist(S100M, main="A histogram of randomly sampled 100 values of heights, 1st trial")
meansdhist(S100N, main="A histogram of randomly sampled 100 values of heights, 2nd trial")
meansdhist(S1000M, main="A histogram of randomly sampled 1000 values of heights, 1st trial")
meansdhist(S1000N, main="A histogram of randomly sampled 1000 values of heights, 2nd trial")
hist(X, right=FALSE, xlim=c(140, 200), main="The histogram of heights for the population X")
print(EX <- mean(X)) # Mean of X, assigned to EX
sqrt(sum((X-EX)^)/length(X)) # Standard deviation for the population X
(The program listed above is to enter the heights for one million people (the whole population) as a variable X, to initialize random number generator, and to do several kinds of random sampling with viewing the nature of those samples by calculating means and sds and by drawing histograms. Please fill the boxes from
and discuss the results.)
項目 | 入力欄 |
![]() | hist |
![]() | xlim |
![]() | names |
![]() | 2 |
変数 | サイズ | 試行順序 | 平均値 | (不偏)標準偏差 |
S10M | 10 | 1 | 165.700000 | 3.683296 |
S10N | 10 | 2 | 169.300000 | 5.812821 |
S100M | 100 | 1 | 168.460000 | 5.083982 |
S100N | 100 | 2 | 167.520000 | 5.518527 |
S1000M | 1000 | 1 | 167.911000 | 4.943027 |
S1000N | 1000 | 2 | 167.816000 | 5.085273 |
X | 1000000 | (母集団) | 167.9998 | 5.009512 |