群馬大学 | 医学部 | サイトトップ | 医学情報処理演習
http://phi.med.gunma-u.ac.jp/medstat/it2010-11.txt is the tab-delimited text file, which is composed of 3 variables as JOB, HEALTH, and WEALTH. JOB means the status of "working" or "retired", HEALTH means subjective health status of "good" or "bad", and WEALTH means subjective wealth status of "rich" or "poor". This is imaginary data.
After reading the data, we made cross tabulation between HEALTH and WEALTH, then test the null-hypothesis that those 2 variables are independent each other, using Fisher's exact test. Consequently, the null-hypothesis was rejected at 5% level. Then we stratified the data by JOB, and tested the null-hypothesis that HEALTH and WEALTH is independent in either of "working" or "retired" by Fisher's exact test. The results were not significant in either of "working" or "retired". However, the pooled analysis using Mantel-Haentzel chi-square test resulted to reject the null-hypothesis. The code and result with its interpretation are shown below.
Please write the registry number and name, fill the boxes by adequate characters.
(The code is shown below.)
x <- read.delim("http://phi.med.gunma-u.ac.jp/medstat/it2010-11.txt") # read data into x
TAB <- xtabs(~+
, data=x) # make a cross table of HEALTH and WEALTH
TABS <- xtabs(~+
, data=x)
以上の結果から,就業状態は主観的健康状態と主観的裕福さの関連について交絡因子になっていると(1:いえる, 2:いえない)
Based on the above results, we (1: can, 2: cannot) say that the job status is confounding the relationship between subjective health status and subjective wealth.