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Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII

[https://minato.sip21c.org/ebhc/index-e.html] Latest update: 20 July 2022 (Wed)

Archives: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

1. Aims of the lecture

For properly conducting health related research, basic knowledge of research design and statistics will be given.

In the year 2022, due to COVID-19, the class is given online (Zoom). Please refer BEEF system in detail.

In principle, the lecture is done in Japanese. Foreign students may ask the lecturer individually if necessary.

The text written in Japaneses [pdf format], latest version is on 4th December 2022 is freely available (Comments are welcome).

Caution! There is no lecture on June 8 and July 13. Lecture for experimental data anaylsis is given on 6th August.

2. Program

  1. The very basics of health research (Apr 6, handout)
  2. Basic terms in health/epidemiologic research (Apr 13, presentation, Practice)
  3. Sample size issues (Apr 20, handout in English) (cf. E-learning course on ICRweb is useful.)
  4. Research design (mostly experimental study design) (April 27, handout) [A review paper pdf for crossover design]
  5. Data entry, missing data, graphical check, hypothesis testing, SD and SE (May 11, Excel format sample data)
  6. Test of the location difference, test of proportion difference (May 18, handout in English)
  7. Cross tabulation and its analysis, Kappa statistics, McNemar's test (May 25, handout, Bhapkar's test code)
  8. ANOVA and Multiple comparison (June 1, handout)
  9. Correlation, Regression and its application: Analysis of Covariance and Logistic Regression (June 15, handout)
  10. Geographic information data analysis and spatial epidemiology (June 22, Special Lecture given by Dr. Susumu Tanimura, which may change)
  11. Repeated measurement: Comparison of location parameters among 3 or more groups with corresponding data (June 29, handout)
  12. Evaluation of performances of diagnostic testing: ROC and Bland-Altman plot and the method to summarize systematic review: meta-analysis (July 6, handout for ROC and Bland-Altman plot, handout for meta-analysis)
    Example of meta-analysis: Is sperm concentration decreasing over the world?
  13. Survival analysis (handout in EnglishCref. in Japanese) (July 20)
  14. Experimental data analysis (on 6th August, please see BEEF)

3. Evaluation

Based on the end-of-term report of which theme is shown in BEEF. Submit the report from BEEF.


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