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Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII
[https://minato.sip21c.org/ebhc/index-e.html] Latest update: 19 February 2025 (Wed)
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1. Aims of the lecture
For properly conducting health related research, basic knowledge of research design and statistics will be given.
In the year 2025, the class is given ONLINE. Please refer BEEF+ system in detail.
In principle, the lecture is done in Japanese. Foreign students may ask the lecturer in person if necessary.
The text written in Japaneses [pdf format], latest version is on 25th May 2024 is freely available (Comments are welcome).
2. Program
- The very basics of health research (Apr 9, handout)
- Basic terms in health/epidemiologic research (Apr 16, presentation, Practice)
- Sample size issues (Apr 23, handout in English) (cf. E-learning course on ICRweb is useful.)
- Research design (mostly experimental study design) (April 30, handout) [A review paper pdf for crossover design]
- Data entry, missing data, graphical check, hypothesis testing, descriptive statistics (May 7, Excel format sample data)
* To treat missing data, multiple imputation is useful. Please check the papers such as: BMJ, BMC Medical Research Methodology, Annals of Clinical Epidemiology
- Test of the location difference, test of proportion difference (May 14, handout in English)
- Cross tabulation and its analysis, Kappa statistics, McNemar's test (May 21, handout, Bhapkar's test code)
- ANOVA and Multiple comparison (May 28, handout, If you need information for contrasts, this page is valuable.)
- Correlation, Regression and its application: Analysis of Covariance and Logistic Regression (June 4, handout)
- Repeated measurement: Comparison of location parameters among 3 or more groups with corresponding data (June 11, handout)
- Evaluation of performances of diagnostic testing: ROC and Bland-Altman plot (June 18, handout for ROC and Bland-Altman plot)
- Geographic information data analysis and spatial epidemiology (June 25, Special Lecture given online by Dr. Susumu Tanimura)
- Introduction to the systematic review and meta-analysis (July 2, handout for meta-analysis)
Example of meta-analysis for covid-19
Example of meta-analysis: Is sperm concentration decreasing over the world?
- Survival analysis (July 9, handout in EnglishCref. in Japanese)
- Experimental data analysis (on the other date by Prof. Nakamura from Tenri Medical University, please see BEEF+)
3. Evaluation
Based on the end-of-term report of which theme is shown in BEEF+. Submit the report from BEEF+.
- (I strongly suggest the book, though written in Japanese) Toshiya Sato (2024) Space monster chipmunks learns more important issues than statistics. Asakura Shoten.
- Machin D, Campbell MJ, Walters SJ (2007) Medical Statistics, 4th ed., Wiley
- Lang TA, Secic M (2006) How to report statistics in medicine: Annotated guidelines for authors, editors, and reviewers. 2nd ed., American College of Physicians.
- Peacock JL, Peacock PJ (2011) Oxford handbook of medical statistics. Oxford Univ. Press
- Power and Sample Size (Vanderbilt University)
- EZR (Jichi Medical School)
- The lecture note for medical statistics at Gunma University written by Minato Nakazawa
- dfamefs.R: R code to calculate d-family effect size
- pooledr.R: R code to calculate pooled correlation coefficient using Fisher's Z transformation and weighed average
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