最終更新:2022年 2月 20日 (日曜日)
windowsFonts(JP1=windowsFont("MS Gothic"), JP2=windowsFont("MS Mincho"), JP3=windowsFont("Meiryo")) par(family="JP3")
●RにはHersheyEUCとして約700の日本語フォントが含まれていて,text関数から使えるのだが,フォントの指定が面倒なので使いにくかった。これを簡単に使えるようにする関数jtext(実行例を含むソース)を書いてみた。ただし内部で漢字文字列をJISコード番号文字列に変換するPerlプログラムjiscode.plを呼び出していて,その中でcgiなどで良く使われているjcode.pl(注:リンク先のWikipediaの説明にあるように、既に使うべきではない。Jcode.pmのページでも書かれているように、2022年現在のPerlではEncode.pmを使うべき)を呼び出しているので,それらが実行時に呼び出せるディレクトリに置かれていて,かつActive Perlにパスが通っている必要がある。もっとも,LinuxやFreeBSD環境ならばjiscode.plの先頭にPerlのパスを書けばいいはずである。なお,Perl5.8以降では標準のEncodeライブラリを使う方がスマートな気がするし,それ以上に,単にjisx0208にできればいいのだからCで書いてライブラリ化した方が便利だと思うが,とりあえずPerlで用が足りるので今後の課題ということにする。
●なお,pLaTeXと組み合わせて使えば,上のような面倒なことをしなくても,日本語を含むプロットが簡単にできる(ベクトルグラフィックとしてではなく,文字としてのプロットになる)。textで普通に日本語文字列をプロットした後で,dev.copy(pictex,"jtext3.tex"); dev.off()としてpictex形式のファイルjtext3.texを作り,これを
\documentclass{jarticle} \usepackage{pictex} \usepackage[dvipdfm]{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[h] \centerline{\input{jtext3.tex}} \caption{3都市の緯度と経度の2次元表示} \end{figure} \end{document}
のようにして読み込むファイルtest.texを作って,platex test,dvipdfm testとすれば,test.pdf (16,518 bytes)ができあがる。こちらの方が使えるフォントが多いし,美しくて実用的である(時折そのままでは通らない文字があるのだが,出力されるpictexファイルを直接エディタで編集すれば問題ない。textだけではなく,xlabとかmainでも日本語が使えた)。
hx <- c(161.5, 167.0, 157.5, 160.5, 156.0, 165.0, 157.5, 169.5, 168.5, 178.5) wx <- c(49.2, 72.8, 61.6, 62.6, 73.6, 57.8, 60.8, 92.4, 58.2, 71.8) hy <- c(159.5, 161.5, 148.0, 164.0, 169.5, 164.5, 161.0, 172.0, 168.0, 163.0, 153.5, 165.5, 168.0, 161.0, 160.5, 158.0, 156.0, 155.5) wy <- c(43.6, 65.2, 49.6, 57.4, 67.0, 61.4, 56.2, 66.4, 67.0, 60.2, 44.6, 63.2, 62.4, 53.8, 63.6, 59.0, 59.0, 53.6) hz <- c(171.5, 176.5, 166.0, 175.0, 166.0, 169.0, 175.5, 167.0, 163.5) wz <- c(73.2, 77.8, 58.0, 57.2, 67.0, 73.6, 97.8, 63.0, 67.4)
x <- data.frame( VG=c(rep('X',NROW(hx)),rep('Y',NROW(hy)),rep('Z',NROW(hz))), HEIGHT=c(hx,hy,hz), WEIGHT=c(wx,wy,wz) )
plot(x$WEIGHT ~ x$HEIGHT, pch=as.character(x$VG), col=as.single(x$VG), main="Relationship between HEIGHT(cm) and WEIGHT(kg)\n in Solomon Adult Males", xlab="HEIGHT(cm)",ylab="WEIGHT(kg)")
plot(x$WEIGHT[x$VG=='X'] ~ x$HEIGHT[x$VG=='X'], pch='X', col="blue", xlim=c(140,180), ylim=c(40,100))
plot(hx, wx, pch='X', col="blue", xlim=c(140,180), ylim=c(40,100)) points(hy, wy, pch='Y', col="red"); points(hz, wz, pch='Z', col="green")
sbarplot <- function(freq,xnames,xlabel,title) { maxc <- max(as.single(dimnames(freq)[[1]])) z <- rep(0, NROW(xnames)) for (i in c(1:NROW(freq))) { z[as.single(dimnames(freq)[[1]][i])+1] <- freq[[i]]/sum(freq) } barplot(z, names.arg=xnames, main=title, xlab=xlabel)}
●使い方は,上の関数をRに読み込んだ後で,例えば,y <- c(3,4,2,1,3,4,2,2,3,2,1,2,6,6,7,4,2)というデータがあったときに,0や5も含めた度数分布図を書きたければ,x <- c(0:7)として横軸を定義しておいて,sbarplot(table(y),x,"label for x axis","title of the figure")とするだけで,下図が得られる(なお,解像度を指定してpngファイルを作るには,画面にグラフが描かれている状態で,例えば,dev.copy(png,"sample.png",width=400,height=480); dev.off()とすれば,画面に出ているグラフがsample.pngというファイルに保存される)。縦軸を割合でなくて実数にしたい場合は,sbarplot関数の中から/sum(freq)を削除すればよい。
x <- c(162, 159, 163, 157, 152, 168, 153, 156, 167, 161, 154, 162, 160, 157, 169, 160, 162, 158, 161, 160, 163, 160, 163, 153, 164, 163, 163, 153, 155, 155, 162, 163, 168, 160, 158, 168, 163, 163, 158, 153, 161, 153, 168, 156, 155, 159, 158, 161, 157, 155, 161, 156, 167, 156, 158, 152, 160, 160, 155, 157, 158, 160, 157, 156, 164, 157, 161, 158, 161, 153, 163, 161, 160, 162, 159, 162, 161, 158, 160, 177)
barplot(table(factor(y, levels=0:7)))
Package: pyramid Version: 1.1 Date: 2010/1/6 Title: Functions to draw population pyramid Author: Minato Nakazawa <minato-nakazawa@umin.net> Maintainer: Minato Nakazawa <minato-nakazawa@umin.net> Depends: R (>= 2.2.0) Description: Drawing population pyramid using (1) data.frame or (2) vectors. The former is named as pyramid() and the latter pyramids(), as lapper function of pyramid(). License: GPL (>= 2) URL: https://minato.sip21c.org/swtips/R.html#PYRAMID
\name{pyramid} \alias{pyramid} \title{Drawing population pyramid using data.frame} \description{ Drawing population pyramid using data.frame. Detailed explanation is given in Japanese at https://minato.sip21c.org/swtips/R.html#PYRAMID. } \usage{ pyramid(data, Laxis=NULL, Raxis=NULL, Cgap=0.3, Cstep=1, Llab="Males", Rlab="Females", Clab="Ages", GL=TRUE, Cadj=-0.03 Lcol="Cyan", Rcol="Pink", Ldens=-1, Rdens=-1, main="", ...) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A data.frame including left pyramid numbers in the 1st column and and right pyramid numbers in the 2nd column, where the numbers of males in each age-class are usually given to left numbers and those of females are to right numbers. If the data.frame includes 3rd column, it is used as age-class labels, otherwise the row.names(data) is used as age-class labels.} \item{Laxis}{A vector of axis for left pyramid. If missing, automatically given.} \item{Raxis}{A vector of axis for right pyramid. If missing, Laxis is used.} \item{Cgap}{The width of center gap (as ratio to each panel) to draw age-class. Default is 0.3} \item{Cstep}{The interval to write the labels of age classes. Default is 1} \item{Cadj}{The vertical adjustment factor for the labels of age classes. Default is -0.03} \item{Llab}{The label of the left pyramid. Default is "Males".} \item{Rlab}{The label of the right pyramid. Default is "Females".} \item{Clab}{The label of the center age-class. Default is "Ages".} \item{GL}{Logical value to draw the vertical dotted lines. Default is TRUE.} \item{Lcol}{The color of the left pyramid. Default is "Cyan".} \item{Ldens}{The density of hatching lines (/inch) for left pyramid. Default is -1, when the pyramid will be filled.} \item{Rcol}{The color of the right pyramid. Default is "Pink".} \item{Rdens}{The density of hatching lines (/inch) for right pyramid. Default is -1, when the pyramid will be filled.} \item{main}{The main title of the pyramid.} \item{...}{Other options.} } \author{Minato Nakazawa \email{minatonakazawa@gmail.com} \url{https://minato.sip21c.org/}} \examples{ ages <- c('0-9', '10-19', '20-29', '30-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60-') males <- c(34, 19, 11, 11, 8, 7, 5) females <- c(26, 25, 16, 11, 7, 5, 1) data <- data.frame(males, females, ages) pyramid(data) # another example py.Males <- c(80, 40, 30, 20, 10) names(py.Males) <- c('0-9', '10-19', '20-29', '30-39', '40-') py.Females <- c(60, 50, 40, 30, 5) names(py.Females) <- names(py.Males) py.df <- data.frame(py.Females,py.Males) pyramid(py.df, Llab="Females", Rlab="Males", Lcol="navy", Ldens=5, Rcol="red", Rdens=10, GL=FALSE, main="An example of population pyramid\n with auto-axis") # The census 2005 for Gunma prefecture data obtained from # https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/files?page=1&layout=datalist&toukei=00200521&bunya_l=02&tstat=000001007251&cycle=0&tclass1=000001007252&tclass2=000001007253&tclass3=000001007281&tclass4=000001007282&stat_infid=0000000370C7&result_page=1&tclass5val=0 # as "a00411.xls" GunmaPop2005 <- data.frame( Males=c(8872, 9144, 9528, 9812, 9817, 10049, 10234, 10047, 10222, 10187, 10319, 10420, 10135, 10473, 10219, 10492, 10943, 11243, 10579, 9653, 9941, 10252, 10396, 10649, 11343, 12031, 12420, 13015, 13354, 14132, 14624, 15873, 16013, 15809, 15338, 14876, 14568, 14536, 14580, 10713, 13844, 12911, 12303, 12158, 12086, 12117, 12620, 12331, 12376, 13138, 14144, 13553, 14353, 15194, 16064, 17286, 18561, 18347, 18230, 12001, 11938, 14363, 13684, 14122, 13475, 12241, 10279, 10866, 10939, 10853, 10093, 9996, 9575, 9334, 9147, 8643, 8249, 7760, 7353, 6812, 6170, 5041, 4099, 3206, 2711, 2778, 2113, 1895, 1630, 1431, 1146, 966, 675, 559, 384, 263, 212, 133, 84, 38, 24, 15, 11, 6, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0), Females=c(8323, 8750, 8964, 9359, 9559, 9605, 9511, 9800, 9790, 9848, 9939, 9755, 9696, 9884, 9734, 9767, 10293, 10616, 10040, 9383, 9731, 9748, 10211, 10204, 10500, 11086, 11758, 12248, 12548, 13524, 13907, 14930, 15129, 15057, 14344, 13982, 13942, 13587, 13972, 10359, 13212, 12435, 11934, 11673, 11668, 11583, 12100, 11867, 11917, 12746, 13364, 13170, 13968, 15318, 16251, 17125, 18253, 18042, 17927, 11981, 11773, 14450, 14124, 14438, 13502, 12960, 10729, 11710, 11697, 11884, 11413, 11442, 11087, 11035, 11209, 10646, 10482, 9784, 9777, 9491, 8891, 8188, 7636, 7034, 6123, 6103, 4577, 4415, 3861, 3426, 3035, 2571, 2064, 1683, 1209, 878, 739, 536, 333, 193, 134, 86, 56, 28, 13, 8, 5, 3, 1), Ages=0:108) pyramid(GunmaPop2005, Llab="Males", Rlab="Females", Clab="", Laxis=seq(0, 20000, len=5), Cstep=10, main="Population pyramid of Gunma Prefecture\n (Data: Census 2005, total by gender)") } \keyword{hplot}
Dear Sirs, I have uploaded the package named `pyramid' including two functions to draw population pyramid. It's very simple and small. But, as far as I know, there is no such package ever, so that I submitted. I hope that this package can pass the review process and go to main archive. Thank you very much. With Best Wishes, Minato Nakazawa, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
Correspondence to: minatonakazawa[at]gmail.com.